Uncharted, starring Tom Holland, Antonio Banderas and Mark Walhberg, was released to cinemas last weekend and brought Sony a whopping $50 million blockbuster opening weekend, raking in its current worldwide take of $139M. The game to movie adaptation struck gold amongst fans, with audiences around the world quite enjoying Uncharted and the original Nathan Drake adventure. Sony Pictures watched as the movie had a strong opening internationally prior to the domestic launch, both of which vastly exceeded expectations.
Sony Pictures Motion Picture Group Chairman and CEO Tom Rothman brought up the achievement in a companywide email Monday, following the success of director Ruben Fleischer’s movie this past weekend and praised staff for delivering such a well-received blockbuster hit. You can read the company-wide email Tom Rothman sent out here.
“With over $100M in box office worldwide in just one weekend, and a 90% positive audience score on Rotten Tomatoes, Uncharted is a new hit movie franchise for the company,” wrote CEO Tom Rothman.
Rothman went on to applaud the staff for delivering during unprecedented times, the Uncharted movie was shot and edited during the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, and Rothman even shared some special words of thanks for the PlayStation division: “I want to thank all of the filmmakers, the wonderful cast and crew, and especially our friends at PlayStation Studios and Sony Interactive Entertainment for their support. And of course, I want to thank each and every one of you for your creativity, dedication and belief.”
For director Ruben Fleischer, Uncharted was a project two years in the making. Considering all the positive reviews the film has received, Fleischer is extremely optimistic for a sequel for the franchise.
Any sequels have yet to be announced, of course, but a post credits scene potentially sets one up, and the statement by Rothman strongly suggests that a second movie will get the go-ahead eventually – especially if Sony now sees Uncharted as a hit movie franchise.