Elden Ring is a full-feldged action-adventure RPG game, that provides the player with a sublime Souls-esque experience. The RPG qualities of the game have been appreciated by all and players have applauded the variety of choices they receive while customising their class and character in the game. Players would also need to level up in the game to make their character stronger and sturdier to defeat and survive the more difficult enemies.
One of the most important elements of this RPG is the in-game currency, also known as Runes. These Runes also act as XP in Elden Ring. Players in their Elden Ring playthrough will need to earn a gigantic number of Runes to purchase the necessary upgrades, weapons, and other resources and items in the game.
These types of games often have exploits that can be used to farm necessary resources. Elden Ring has one such exploit that allows the players to earn a decent number of Runes and also level up at the same time. To execute the farming method correctly, the players will have to first gather certain items in the game. Check out how to perform this Elden Ring Runes and Level up exploit below:
Gold-Pickled Fowled Foot
- First the players need to craft the Gold-Pickled Fowled Foot, this will provide them with a boost in Rune acquisition for a limited time.
- To craft the Gold-Pickled Fowled Foot the players will have to meet up with an NPC named Patches.
- This NPC can be either found at Murkwater Cave or Scenic Isle. Players will have to purchase the Missionary’s Cookbook 2 to acquire the recipe for this consumable.
- Players can then craft this item through the recipe, alternatively, they can also purchase Gold-Pickled Fowled Feet from Patches.
Farming Items and their locations
- The players can headover to the Church of Marika Site of Grace and move towards the beach near this area. Here they will find certain birds on the sea shore that they can pick off to obtain Four-toed Foul Foot.
- The other item can be found near the same region at the Tombsward Site of Grace, near this area is a pond that players can approach to loot Golden Fireflies.
- The third item that players need to find is the Rowa Fruit. This fruit can be found hanging from trees all around the same area as the previous two items.
Gold Scarab Talisman
- This is a special Talisman that increases Rune acquisition by 20%.
- To obtain the Gold Sacrab Talisman the players will have to move towards the Caelid region and look for the Smoldering Wall Site of Grace.
- Once there the players need to head towards the Golden Tree until they reach the edge of the cliff, the players will be able to see a secret cave that they need to enter in the opposing cliff.
- The players will have to traverse towards the end of the cave, dodging all the rot and various enemies to reach the Cleanrot Knight Bosses, one fights with a Sickle and the other with a Spear.
- After defeating both the bosses the players can loot the Gold Scarab Talisman from their corpse.
XP Farming Location
- The players should head to Lenne’s Rise Site of Grace in Elden Ring
- Here they will find an enemy shaped like ball that comes charging towards the player, the player will have to dodge this ball and let it fall off the cliff to get the XP for defeating the enemy.
- Then the players can go back to the Site of Grace, rest and come back to the same area to see the same ball boss charging at them again.
- Rinse and repeat this process how many ever times necessary after consuming the Gold-Pickled Foul Foot and equipping the Gold Scarab Talisman to maximise Rune and XP acquisition.