The last decade of the last century was occupied by the VCR-VCP. The thickest single cassette could be found in one of the pictures. In our country, renting a VCP or its cassette was a gathering business. Next VCD. However, it did not last long. The DVD quickly took its place. It has a few times more movies than the VCD. But Netflix came and changed it all.
VCP, VCD or DVD – Cinema was a new film business in all ages. Business related to the television channel was also running. But Netflix has come in two places. Netflix is an online video streaming service. With a high-speed broadband internet connection, you can watch the latest movies, TV series and many more! Netflix’s show will also be full of variety, action-romantic. The Netflix shows are full of variety, action-romantic. As a result, the film industry losing its business, cable operators also losing business. However, some of the business is easy to settle for some time, but Netflix is under threat! Because of the big companies like Warner Media, Disney and Amazon are enrolling in the online streaming service.
Let’s get to know Netflix first. Netflix was named the 25th largest online video streaming business. Its customers can see new pictures or TV series from different parts of the world. For this, you have to pay a monthly fee but it must be acknowledged that Netflix’s subscription fees are minimal when considering the variety of events. The funny thing is, nobody has to worry about digesting ads in the middle of the show!
How is Netflix taking over the business of cinema halls or television channels? Giving an account British magazine The Economist reports that Netflix subscribers see an average of 12 new feature films every year. And Hollywood Warner Brothers can release up to 20 movies in the same timeframe. As the most profitable studio, Disney Cinema Hall offers a small number of movies, with only 5. Currently, Netflix is involved in producing shows in almost 20 countries, including Brazil, Germany, India, South Korea.
From January to March of last year – Netflix received 1 million new subscribers worldwide in these three months. The new subscribers are giving $ 125 million to the online streaming service company. Goldman Sachs, a renowned banking firm, says that by 2022, Netflix could spend $ 2,5 billion a year.
However, Netflix facing some challenges now. Because for so long Netflix had been scoring goals in the open field, there was no strong opponent. This year, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, YouTube, Warner Media, Disney, and all the chariots are coming. Meanwhile, Amazon has reached the potential to compete globally with Netflix. At least in places where Netflix is seen, Amazon has also appeared. Over the past year, the Jeff Bezos organization has spent more than $ 100 million to build the program. Amazon Prime Video has joined hands to buy popular series like Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings. The message is clear – this time the fight will be in Sean!
Netflix has fallen into a bit of a rush after seeing a rival by hoot. An analysis by the British media ‘Guardian’ says that the creative organizations that used to create shows for Netflix have appeared as rivals this time. Some Hollywood studio groups have recently suggested the removal of a series or movie from Netflix. If they behave more aggressively, it will be difficult for Netflix to handle it.
Naturally, the creators of this event are happy to compete. Because in the past where there was only one Master, now there are many. As a result, the bid is being negotiated. Amazon has emerged as the biggest threat to Netflix. Because the market value of this company is 5 times higher than Netflix! The tech giant Apple is expected to appear on streaming services worldwide on the 21st. It goes without saying that the online streaming business will be more competitive.
Although the beginning of the 25 is good, the end has folded over Netflix’s executives. It is reported that the company has earned less than the amount of money spent on building and marketing various programs throughout the year. The gap is about $ 1 to $ 10 million. As reported in late September, Netflix’s net debt was around $ 100 million. The Wall Street Journal says Netflix’s share prices have dropped by the end of the year. The price of each share has dropped by about 20 percent over three months ago.
In such a situation, Netflix was in dire need of a ‘savior’. Spencer Newman has recently been appointed to oversee the company’s financial affairs. He was previously a senior officer at Walt Disney. Analysts say Newman was brought in primarily to deal with the loss. Netflix is very important for businesses to keep up with their financial resources. Netflix needed a veteran like Spencer Newman to retain customers and investors. Meanwhile, the company has taken some further steps. It has risen to the top of the popularity with its expensive drama series. But now Netflix is focusing on a relatively cheap event to handle the loss.
At the beginning of writing, I talked about the business of renting a VCP, VCD or DVD cassette. Interestingly, Netflix was a ‘DVD rental’ company before moving into the online video streaming business. That’s 2000. That is, today’s Netflix has been created with the evolution of time and technology, now doing billions of dollars of business. This time the company faced the challenge again. Netflix, changing the nature of the entertainment business, will lose out on it, or move forward with new initiatives – the answer lies in the stream of time.